The OpenMapTiles vector tile schema is open source and licensed under BSD + CC-BY. You are free to use it to generate your own OpenMapTiles and use those vector tiles afterward. However, you are still obliged to follow original ODbL license and attribute OpenStreetMap data properly as well as attribute the OpenMapTiles project itself. The correct attribution looks similar to this:

© OpenMapTiles © OpenStreetMap contributors

Requirements & Recommendations

To work on OpenMapTiles, we recommend:

  • Linux on x86_64 CPU
  • >15 GB of free disk space
  • >3 GB RAM.

More details available in the repo.

You also need to install Docker:

Clone the OpenMapTiles repo.

git clone
cd ./openmaptiles

Generate the Vector Tiles

Download the latest Docker images.

docker-compose pull

Now generate the vector tiles using the quickstart bash script.


By default, it will generate vector tileset of Albania for zoom levels 0 – 7 into data directory. is an open-source project from OMT community and MapTiler who provides Maps API.
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